Minimization of risks: Transparency and control
Improvement and guarantee of quality: Standardization of projects adds quality
Reduction of total cost: Costs can be easily calculated
Improvement of communication between stakeholders: Standard descriptions
Change Control Board meets to approve any changes
Concrete assistance for implementation
Placing of contracts for services is not regulated
Operation, maintenance, and repair are not covered in V-Model
Addresses software development in individual projects and not whole organizations
Steps for Project Development:
1. Concept of Operations
The ideation step-coming up with parameters for project
2. Requirements and Architecture
Find needs of users
Create requirement documentation
Design acceptance tests
3. Detailed Design
Outline all technical components
System, Integration, and Unit Tests
High/Low-Level design*
4. Implementation
Coding (software projects)
5. Integration, Test, and Verification
Unit Test- Find potential bugs
Integration Test- Can function across all components & 3rd party integrations
System Test- Performance and Regression (slope of the mean)
Acceptance Test- Is it ready for deployment?
6. System Verification & Validation
7. Operation and Maintenance
Maintaining high quality in changing environment