GOAL: < 3.4 defects per million
Improves Upon:
Delivery System
Company Culture
What You Commit to in Six Sigma:
Understanding production
Decreasing defects
Increasing profitability
Improving customer/client experience
Creating productive teams and leaders
Principles of Six Sigma:
Focus on the customer
Find customer needs/wants and establish a baseline for quality
Understand production model
Use hard figures to identify variations in production
Eliminate variation
Continually assess production models and improve workflow
Invite employees in to the process
Train employees to understand Six Sigma
Commit to flexibility and thorough analysis
Shift company culture
Gather precise figures on operating data, profit, and workflow
Types of Six Sigma Processes:
DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control
Used mostly for incremental improvement on existing projects
DMADV: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify
Used for new projects that require more than incremental improvement
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma- 1 Day
Lean Six Sigma-Black Belt- 5 Days
Lean Six Sigma-Green Belt- 4 Days
Six Sigma-Yellow Belt- 3 Days