Best for projects with hard to understand end points
Open and flexible-changes during project are allowed
Unorganized. Unknown duration. Unpredictable
Work at a frantic pace
Project has complex needs
Requests for frequent changes
Trial and error approach
Process of self correction
Deviates from decision making hierarchy
Human-based (not process driven)
Team must rely on uncertainty
It is almost impossible to control projects
Change is inevitable
Flexibility and transparency gives a sense of security
Plan project- Leave room in schedule for changes
Answer questions- Who needs what? Why? Is it worth it?
Organize work- Short cycles (few weeks)
Kickoff meeting- Motivate, inform, and provide visibility
Communicate with client- Keep requests and needs in mind
Follow progress of cycles- Regular checks, revision sessions, and realignment meetings
Celebrate end of cycles- Keep up motivation. Start with successes
